How many times have you said you wanted a dog, but just didn't want to deal with it every day, taking it out in the rain, things like that? I know I have. I really want a dog actually, almost got one, and then I got a new landlord instead who said now I can't have a dog. I guess I missed the window of opportunity on that one.
But, I may still have the chance once the Flex Petz service makes its way up her to SF from San Diego and LA. None of these places have too many issues with rainy days, so they'll probably do OK. Seattle is on the list, I wonder how that will fare when it rains all the time.
Anyway, the way it works, is that you join for a $150 one time fee, then it's $49.95/month and a 39.95/day rental fee (cheaper on week days). They will also drop off and pick up the dog (for an extra fee) and the dogs come with their food, bed, leash, etc. so that they are comfortable and happy in your home for their stay. This all sounds like a cross between a gym membership and zip cars. But it barks.
The Chron had a good article on them the other day. We'll see if it works in SF. What do you say to that guy you meet in the park who compliments you on your dog? Thanks, she's a rental? I don't think so... ;)